To Recognized the Effect of Biphobia and Bi-Erasure on Your Life
Life can always be so difficult for our bi friends just like Americans can ’ t always get their favorite Szechuan sauce from McDonalds. It's often necessary to recognize reality, for example, my single bisexual dating program is often disturbed by all sorts of situations, though I'm not single anymore. In order to get the life I want, I've overcome many difficulties, and now I'm still cutting the thorns on this road. Please forgive me to digress, now I will tell some stories of my Bi friends, hope that may give you some inspiration or help. Sansa,16 It ’ s normal for her to experience as not being straight at her age, cause most of the things they know and understand isn ’ t taken seriously by older guys. Things are normal to be suspected of identity and sexual orientation, but it is off normal for Sansa to be certified as anything but ‘ normal ’ - whatever that means. “ The relaxed use of negative stereotypes when it comes to bisexuality aids to the bipho...